Monday, August 15, 2011

QUOTE three

"The choir is small but it sings a big song."

I came across this song while youtubing Parachute Latest single "Forever and Always". And listening to the words makes me feel slightly more inspired to do something. The quote speaks so much, it's like glee all over again. The underdogs and all. Being a small group, yet singing the best cover of "Don't stop believing". Glee. wow, has the glee fever died down? I remembered watching it and disliking it, but because of peer pressure, I've been watching it till the most recent episode. If i hadnt, i wouldnt have any idea what my friends were talking about. Anyways, back to the quote. I'm pretty sure every one of us is a underdog/amateur in an aspect or another, and it really this quote, regardless what relation, hits the spot. It's like exquisitely self-motivational.

Oh heavens, too much inspirational words in one post!!

I tweeted this once, and someone replied "which?" and i hadnt any clue what to reply with. Parachute i suppose? I'm going really off topic now. shucks.

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