Sunday, October 30, 2011

QUOTE twentyeight

"You waiting for the bus?
at the bus-stop.
To all guys out there who ever wants to start a conversation with a chick at the busstop, this is never it. Don't say I didn't warn you. It is BAD.

I fell victim to an awkward silence after asking a girl this. She gave me the look, I will never forget. It was like 

And she was like 
 and I was like..
"£@&!" on the inside. I was so embarrassed, I couldnt board the bus with her. It was too much for me. Stupid moments of m'life. Cliche? A definite indeed.

But girls, a little tip if you encounter such a pickup line. Please refrain from the "oh hell no" face. Just smile and start a conversation. It could make his day... 

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