Thursday, October 20, 2011

QUOTE eighteen

"In black and  white 
You know how we make promises. Spit handshake, cross our hearts, pinky swear and whatnot... And we still don't keep certain promises? It's time to accommodate a new practice. WRITE IT DOWN. 
Without a doubt, I'm definitely a promise breaker. Hey, don't judge. But really, the whole idea of a promise is to keep to it and lately, i've learnt never to promise someone lest i'm sincere about it. And when im sincere about it, i'll jot that little promise down in my journal or diary. 

Cause Mommy told me to always have important things written in black and white. And she has a good enough reason actually, cause those enemies you have accumulated unknowingly in your years of living may get you into trouble with little proof. However, it is apparent, it is not vice versa. 

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