Sunday, October 16, 2011

QUOTE seventeen

My mom laughed when she heard a kid in Walmart screaming:
I looked at her incredulously, wondering why she was not feeling the sting that mother must have felt. She simply looked at me and said.. 
"What? Every kid would say that eventually. 
If it's not at four years, it's at twenty.
Besides, mommies are mommies, no change in life there..."
Then I started thinking when my siblings and I said it. It's embarrassing to know that we still returned to our mommy and didnt bother finding a replacement.

Yet again, it would have been more embarrassing for my mother, cause she had to live through the moments we stomped our feet and shouted. I mean, everyone who hadn't experienced this,unlike my mom, must have been thinking what a horrible mother she must have been! Yikes, I plead not guilty.

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