Monday, October 31, 2011

QUOTE twentynine

"Did you just call me weird???"
Heyyy.. I may be different, but i am definitely, infinitely not weird. Weird is for people like you whose sense of judgement is faltered so bad, you can't see anything right.

Speaking of which, I'd like to tap on the subject of different. Previously in Quote seven by Marilyn Monroe, I wrote about how one should sometimes go all out and be wacky in whatever ideas we have. This is somewhat similar. And do note, sometimes, the majority of the public usually thinks
They got their equation wrong. 
For those in denial who goes.. "Really?". Dude, ask the nearest stranger now. Cause reality sucks and it hurts bad. But never let that get into you, different is really good. It makes you who you are, and it shows that you have found.. YOU. and once you can block out what those idiots out there are saying about you, you'll be the most confident person you'll ever know. Why? Reason being the others haven't found their individuality. They do not know whats good for you. So a little advice:
For those who are calling others weird. CHECK YOURSELF OUT BEFORE DOING SO.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

QUOTE twentyeight

"You waiting for the bus?
at the bus-stop.
To all guys out there who ever wants to start a conversation with a chick at the busstop, this is never it. Don't say I didn't warn you. It is BAD.

I fell victim to an awkward silence after asking a girl this. She gave me the look, I will never forget. It was like 

And she was like 
 and I was like..
"£@&!" on the inside. I was so embarrassed, I couldnt board the bus with her. It was too much for me. Stupid moments of m'life. Cliche? A definite indeed.

But girls, a little tip if you encounter such a pickup line. Please refrain from the "oh hell no" face. Just smile and start a conversation. It could make his day... 

Friday, October 28, 2011

QUOTE twentyseven

"Trick or treat..."
Halloween's around the corner, and look at what's in store for the kids. Google probably increased its usage by a minimum 50 percent cause of them kids who try to come up with the scariest or funniest makeover. Then on that very special day, they look all spooky and cute in their little costumes, going door to door trick-or-treating... It isnt very famous in Asia, but in the states, my gollygosh, it's NIRVANA for the little people.
In Asia, houses with minimalist decorations like cobwebs only, kids come up to their doorsteps with their heavy makeups and knock on the door. But as soon as the doors open, there's no need for conversations, just show the adults the bag, and you get the candies. EASY. it's as good as calling it "treat-or-treat".

In the West, houses are fired up for the awesome event. Adults play along as ghosts, and trick the children and still give treats. That's how it's supposed to be...

Origins according to our trustworthy Wikipedia:
Trick-or-treating resembles the late medieval practice of souling, when poor folk would go door to door on Hallowmas (November 1), receiving food in return for prayers for the dead on All Souls DayIt originated in Ireland and Britain. .... blah blah blah.... pre-1940s.

So... From what i understand, it's actually for the poor to ask for food from others. And now kids are replacing
that? It's no wonder the poor arent getting as much attention! The kids in masks have! Tsk guys!

To me, halloween is the time when i can finally scare people without feeling guilty. Sorta like Ellen D in this video. Oh, she makes me smile... 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

QUOTE twentysix

"Stupidity kills....... Those around you."
As humorous as it sounds, this quote is actually pretty true. Like how they say, "curiosity killed the cat", this saying should be added to the never-ending list of idioms. Sure, I've heard stupidity kills, but no one's ever warned anyone that their stupidity might kill others.
Oh, my bad, wrong picture... 
One of my close friends put this as his FB status, and he received nearly 20 likes within two hours. But, that's not my point. My point is, this made an impact on so many people, I figured, why not make it into another cliche? 

QUOTE twentyfive

"We'll keep in touch, yes?"

I recall my younger days, the transition from junior high, to high school, then to college. The number of friends I have lost from the change in school. And with every farewell hugs, parties and send-off, through all the tears and sobs of parting, we always say we'll keep in contact. Through whatever means possible, a random email, a facebook poke, an awkward phone call, or sometimes, we don't even try. Which are you?

But we all know all of these doesn't make the friendship like how it was previously. Everything has less sincerity. To me, "we'll keep in touch" shouldn't be something to be said. It should be something done, the minute that person will be leaving. Posting constant letters, going over to his/her state or country if he/she migrated, meeting up as and when possible. 

I am guilty, of asking this question, and yet not contacting my friends even when they're in the same college as me. Nothing's ever too late!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

QUOTE twentyfour

"Don't judge"
How many times have i heard this? or other variations like that idiom, don't judge a book by its cover. 
IT'S A HUMAN REACTION, and there's nearly no way to stop it. Just accept the hard truth.  No matter how many times you say this to someone, it's definite that you will get judged one way or another.
  1. For whatever reason you told them not to judge
  2. And for saying don't judge!
Why bother saying it, when you'll be scrutinized more closely now. You know what I mean?
Also, I'd rather hear what that person's view is. Saying "don't judge" makes these people not tell you whatever they're thinking, and they'll not give you a a truthful opinion next time!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

QUOTE twentythree

"Goddamn teenagers today..." 
Earlier today, I overheard a few mothers chatting over their groceries buy... well, they werent really chatting, they were more like complaining to each other about teens today. I couldnt help it, but purposefully missed my stop just to listen to them about the horrid facts of teens today.

I'm honestly numb towards what the adults have got to say about us youngsters. They hate our taste in music, they dislike our food preference, they hate our sense of fashion, and they hate our dance!

It's like we simply cannot get along!
So, what made me listen to the 2 mature ladies who were rudely talking about us in my presence?
Those quoted words up there, coupled with "have too much time, don't want to wake up by 8am to read newspaper. First thing they do is to switch the TV and straight on to MTV to listen to their very loud songs and expect breakfast to be served to them......"

Then i started thinking how i start my days on non-school days. And compare to her kid.
  1. wake to the angsty rap songs of Eminem blaring from my laptop... 
  2. Still on my bed, i would open Facebook to see what's the latest updates on my social network.... 
  3. snooze a little while longer. 
  4. To the kitchen to pour milk for myself. 
  5. Return to my room to watch youtube videos
  6. blast music.
Oh gollygosh, i'm worse then her kids. at least her kids are interacting with her in the living room! I'm constantly in my room! My mom hasn't complained...I wonder why. Probably cause i get my own breakfast?

I came across this blog. A very and i really do mean VERY hot-tempered Grandpa who really find many problems with us youngsters. Amusingly, I find them all funny instead of guilty!
It's a really good read!! Click here to be amused.

Monday, October 24, 2011

QUOTE twentytwo

"Fart-sniffing bubble butt"

This is a real quote said by Rufio of Hook (1991), in the scene of banter between Peter Banning and him. Interesting how this kind of insults makes me smile. especially when i heard it from a little kid in my kindergarten class where i volunteered for a day. It amazes me. Cause this movie is totally not in his era, or even mine, yet here he is quoting from it! When i asked him where he heard it from, all he said was "Ruff said it". 
He lost me there. 
So i googled it, and apparently, "Ruff" has a lot of amazing ways to call people names, without vulgarities!
Rufio: You are fart factory, Slug-slimed, sack-of-rat-guts-in-cat-vomit, cheesy, scab-picked, pimple-squeezing finger bandage. A week old maggot burger with everything on it and flies on the side!  
Wow... that kid knows his words! And it sure is more impactful and less hurtful then the 'f' word... Learn more of his words from here!

You gotta love 'em kids.. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

QUOTE twentyone

Congratulations is no more than a word to wish a good fortune to the already fortunate beholder. There's always a time when kids get into college, people get married, babies are born.... and the use of this word suddenly shoots up like a bull market. 

It feels good to say it, letting people know you actually wish them well, and that you're thanking whatever omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being out there for them. 

a sarcastic applaud should be banned. 

I came across someone who complained to me about this word, and it really hit me that there are some people out there who say "congratulations" half-heartedly, that the poor souls who deserve it did not feel the full impact of it. tsk to you guys.. tsk tsk.

Well, to anyone who comes across this post, and feel like you need a pat on the back,
"Congratulations!" It's important to feel deserved, even if it's just winning that spelling bee contest in class. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

QUOTE twenty

"It's the 21st Century, dude."

Your point is?? I have heard this oh-so-many times and i couldnt really decide what the person was trying to imply.

The 21st Century. What makes us different from 200BC?
  • proper clothes
  • weirder fashion sense
  • technology
  • skyscrapers
  • bed and pillow
  • nuclear power.
Sure, that makes a lot of difference doesnt it? But i already know that you see.. so why state the obvious? I DONT GET YOUR POINT. Life isn't as free or easy as what those stories in the Bible. Life isn't as wise and intelligent as those Chinese scholars and Confucius. You were saying?
This is not the era of depression. Gotta love the lyric.

Friday, October 21, 2011

QUOTE nineteen

According to the earliest human rights document, England’s Bill of Rights 1689 clearly affirmed that freedom of speech as an inalienable right. Yet, Martin Luther King Jr was murdered when he had a dream a few decades ago.

Maybe, just maybe they should have specified? A guideline perhaps? Without that, I think i'd keep my mouth zipped for many matters, knowing danger is still out there...

Well, a professor shut me up in class the other day, only because I had a different opinion. Isnt that against the United States Constitution? I was curious and furious, might i add, that i went to read up on it more. And found this:
Wow. So now the world is going in a reverse revolution? Undoing what the French Revolution brought about in the eighteeth century? Queer.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

QUOTE eighteen

"In black and  white 
You know how we make promises. Spit handshake, cross our hearts, pinky swear and whatnot... And we still don't keep certain promises? It's time to accommodate a new practice. WRITE IT DOWN. 
Without a doubt, I'm definitely a promise breaker. Hey, don't judge. But really, the whole idea of a promise is to keep to it and lately, i've learnt never to promise someone lest i'm sincere about it. And when im sincere about it, i'll jot that little promise down in my journal or diary. 

Cause Mommy told me to always have important things written in black and white. And she has a good enough reason actually, cause those enemies you have accumulated unknowingly in your years of living may get you into trouble with little proof. However, it is apparent, it is not vice versa. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

QUOTE seventeen

My mom laughed when she heard a kid in Walmart screaming:
I looked at her incredulously, wondering why she was not feeling the sting that mother must have felt. She simply looked at me and said.. 
"What? Every kid would say that eventually. 
If it's not at four years, it's at twenty.
Besides, mommies are mommies, no change in life there..."
Then I started thinking when my siblings and I said it. It's embarrassing to know that we still returned to our mommy and didnt bother finding a replacement.

Yet again, it would have been more embarrassing for my mother, cause she had to live through the moments we stomped our feet and shouted. I mean, everyone who hadn't experienced this,unlike my mom, must have been thinking what a horrible mother she must have been! Yikes, I plead not guilty.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

QUOTE sixteen

Chill, everyone makes mistakes. 
I love it when people say this, lets me know I ain't alone in saying it. I've always felt that it's a very crude word. Unpleasant to the ears especially if it comes out of a girl's mouth. But how else can we say it? "oh no"? thats just too classy for a mistake don't you think? 

Monday, October 03, 2011

QUOTE fifteen

Like Quote five, it really annoys me when people use this as an answer. And with the same reason, i hate it only because then, I'd have to think which is better suited for you. Why make my mind work for the benefit of you? Is this a test? to see if i know you well enough?

I recall back when i was in Singapore, there was this drink called Anything, and Whatever...if I'm not mistaken, both 'Anything' and 'Whatever' had six flavours each, and it's not written on the outside what flavour it is... so it's kind of like a lucky draw to what flavour you're going to get.
Cool marketing strategy i suppose. But that strategy soon failed and now the drinks arent manufactured anymore. Too bad, I guess people want to know what they're drinking.

No, anything's not cool, give me a solid answer please. 

Sunday, October 02, 2011

QUOTE fourteen

So often do you see this, and there are so many abbreviations of this.
  • Thank God I'm Female
  • Thank God it's Friday
  • This Grandpa Is Fantastic
  • Tomorrow Got Indian Festival
  • etc..

But ever seen these words on a to-be-photocopied document from your boss? I have, and i got shock when he pull a red face, and said i got the order of the documents wrong! And all i did was stare blankly and go "huh???" 

Apparently, T.G.I.F in office lingo is 

"This Goes In Front" 

Saturday, October 01, 2011

QUOTE thirteen

 Well, I was playing Tilt to live on my ipod touch, and getting only a bare minimum of 5000 for each game and a high score of 7000. I was living in my happy little world when a youngster asked me what my high score was. Apparently, 7000 is pathetic. That youngster's high score was nearing 7,000,000. And he didn't want me to feel sad? So, he said that line: 
"Practice makes you perfect"
Though most of us know it, some still refuse to do so. I gave up on that game already. Achieving that high score simply isn't my priority....
Or maybe, i feel like my ego has been punctured, and the only way i can heal myself is to quit whatever is pulling me down? Is that why most husbands gave up trying to iron their own clothes?